Killer Whisker Blue Green - RF-6190

Killer Whisker Salmon fly, a trusted east coast Atlantic Salmon pattern in blue body and green butt. This top water dry fly disperses lots or water with its buoyant tightly spun deer hair body, calf tail wing and tail . Trimmed in the traditional cigar shape. Killer Whiskers are also popular with West coast Steelhead anglers and is a proven pattern in recent years for explosive top water action.
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Killer Whisker Salmon fly, a trusted east coast Atlantic Salmon pattern in blue body and green butt. This top water dry fly disperses lots or water with its buoyant tightly spun deer hair body, calf tail wing and tail . Trimmed in the traditional cigar shape. Killer Whiskers are also popular with West coast Steelhead anglers and is a proven pattern in recent years for explosive top water action.
Current Stock:
SKU: RF-6190

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5 star
5 Stars

flies very well tied

5 star
5 Stars

flies very well tied

bomber flies
5 Stars

Great looking flies. Can't wait to try them .

bomber flies
5 Stars

Great looking flies. Can't wait to try them .